
Another Alice's Shelf

Today's shelf is from another Alice, with whom I was also at school with. You can take a look at her website : www.alicelambert.com
For a change, this is not a bookshelf, but a packaging shelf ! Alice is very fond of packaging from all over the world, and she collects design water bottles. She said : "I love the range of materials, papers of printing modes that packaging offers". And she's right, packaging rules.


Alice's Shelf

The 4th shelf is Alice's !
Alice was also in Graphic Design School with me, and she shares my love of design books and any printed material.  She currently lives in Paris with her flatmate, and until very recently she babysat for my goldfish.
You can see her artwork on her BLOG.


Thibault's Shelf

And the third person to show off his shelves on this blog iiiiiiiiiis..... Thibault ! 
He was in Graphic Design School with me (you can check out his website HERE), and obviously has an overload of books too.


HolyMother's Shelf

This is HolyMother's shelf. Well, one of her numerous bookshelves actually. I know for a fact that her flat is filled with books, from floor to ceiling.


Ookah's Shelf

I'm going to open the ball. I'm Ookah, I'm a freelance graphic designer, (www.ookah.com) so I work at home, which is a very good excuse to buy tons of graphic design books. Buying books is my weakness, along with buying vinyls to play on my almost-dead  hi-fi system. And buying vintage dresses, but this is another subject.

Je vais ouvrir le bal. Je suis Ookah, graphiste freelance, (www.ookah.com) ce qui fait que je bosse chez moi. Une excuse en or pour acheter plein de livres de graphisme. Acheter des livres est une de mes faiblesses. Comme acheter des vinyls pour lire sur ma chaine hifi quasi morte. Ou acheter des robes vintage, mais c'est une autre histoire.


Welcome !

Hi, and welcome on Check My Shelf. The basic purpose of this website is to allow people to show off their shelves : bookshelves, dvd-shelves, vynil-shelves... As long as it says "pop-culture" and "woohoo", it's good to go. Photography, illustration, any way you like !
You can e-mail me your shelves pictures at contact@ookah.com, along with your name (or alias), occupation and a link to your website/blog/twitter/stuff.
Enjoy !

Bonjour, et bienvenue sur Check My Shelf. Le but de ce site est de permettre aux gens de montrer leurs étagères : livres, dvds, vynils... Tant que c'est "pop" et "woohoo", ça roule. Photographies, illustrations, comme vous voulez !
Vous pouvez m'envoyer vos images à contact@ookah.com, accompagnées de votre nom (ou pseudo), ce que vous faites dans la vie, quelques mots sur vous si vous voulez, et un lien vers votre site/blog/twitter/truc si vous en avez.
C'est parti !