Hi everybody ! Today's shelf comes from California, USA, thanks to Alison. Alison is a graduate student in ecology (is that cool or what ?). Besides research, she enjoys making music, paintings and tostadas (I had to check this word, and DAMN it sounds good).
In her own words, "[she] used to consciously try to make [her] bookshelf a snapshot of [herself] and what [she] thinks about", which is also my idea of a great bookcase. I mean, we all got shameful books hidden on the back of our shelves, but let's be honest, we display the really good ones right in front. Right ?
This bookshelf is from Ikea, simple and sturdy, and I personnaly really like it because I used to have the same... tee-hee !
This bookshelf is from Ikea, simple and sturdy, and I personnaly really like it because I used to have the same... tee-hee !

A close-up of the books. Some titles : The Complete Musician, Nature's Metropolis, Curious Minds, The Philoshophy of Science, Applying Ethics, and the funnily named How to Read a Book.
You kind of see the theme here, right ?
More books : Lonely Planet California, Central America, Vegetarian Cookbook, and some DVDs : Planet Earth, Blue Planet, Man on the Moon, The Beatles, Amadeus, About a Boy, The Doors.
More books : Darwinian Dominion, Second Nature, The Omnivore's Dilemna, The Healing Connection, and Math Stuff (boy, I really wonder about that one)
Neat (and very organized). I, too, wonder what's in "math stuff"...