Hi everybody !
Today's shelf is very special and I'm very proud to show it to you. It's Sylvie's Shelf, and it's organized BY ALPHABETICAL ORDER ! Can you believe that ? I have seen it in real life, and I can tell you, it's really spectacular. Everybody would like to organize their books like that, but let's face it, nobody summons up the courage to do it. Sylvie did !

And not only is it organized alphabetically, it's also very well categorized : novels on the left bookcase, and detective fiction on the right one. Great or what ?
Bonus : check out the cute plush sheeps on the right !
I can't help but point out some flaws in the organization :
I see here a Nick Hornby novel (Slam, the one with the black spine) a bit too far away from another Nick Hornby (Vous descendez, A long way down, the one with the red spine). It kind of makes me feel better to see that even a perfectly organized bookshelf has its problems !
But that is easily forgiven, given that there's a very cute chicken guarding the books.
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